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  • Global experts at WEC 2024 affirm the resurgence of nuclear energy as a pivotal element in sustainable energy systems, emphasizing its indispensable role alongside renewables and fossil fuels.
  • Shifts in public perception, driven by concerns over energy security and stability, signal a growing acceptance of nuclear energy, particularly among younger generations and in regions like Europe and Japan.
  • The discussion underscores the need for continued innovation, including the development and deployment of new reactor technologies, to address challenges and ensure nuclear energy’s contribution to achieving long-term decarbonization globally.


At the World Energy Congress (WEC), a panel convened to discuss the evolving landscape of nuclear energy. Led by session moderator John Gorman, president and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Association, the discussion shed light on the burgeoning interest in nuclear power as a pivotal component of sustainable energy solutions.

Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), reframed the narrative around nuclear energy, characterizing it not as a ‘renaissance’, but rather a return to realism. He emphasized the indispensable role of nuclear power alongside renewables and fossil fuels in driving economic growth and achieving environmental goals.

Laurence Piketty, representing the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), underscored the crucial role of nuclear energy in France’s energy mix, where it provides a substantial portion of electricity while maintaining stable prices. She highlighted the emergence of the Nuclear Alliance in Europe, signaling a shift in attitudes toward nuclear energy across the continent.

Grossi discussed a notable shift in public opinion, particularly among younger generations who exhibit greater support for nuclear energy. Meanwhile, Naomi Hirose, vice chair of the World Energy Council and chairman of the Japan Energy Association, highlighted changing perceptions in Japan, driven by concerns over energy security in the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi accident.

The panel emphasized the importance of addressing challenges such as opposition and societal doubts while leveraging technological advancements, including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), to meet future energy demands effectively.

Grossi concluded by expressing optimism about international cooperation in advancing nuclear energy despite global tensions. He emphasized the need to address pertinent issues to ensure the continued growth and relevance of nuclear energy in the evolving energy landscape.

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