In the mid-1990s, a Michigan teenager named David Hahn caught the attention of the FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission after attempting to build a nuclear reactor in a backyard potting shed. What began as an ambitious science experiment by a teenage Boy Scout quickly escalated into a hazardous situation that put his entire neighborhood at risk.
A Boy Scout’s Atomic Ambitions
Born with a fascination for science, Hahn began studying chemistry at the age of 10. By 14, he had already experimented with creating nitroglycerin. His relentless curiosity led him to pursue a highly ambitious goal—building a working breeder reactor. A breeder reactor is a nuclear device that produces more fissile material than it consumes, typically generating plutonium-239 from uranium-238.
Hahn’s experiments initially took place in his bedroom, but after a series of mishaps—including staining the walls with chemicals—his parents moved his work to the basement, and eventually, to an outdoor shed in his stepmother’s backyard in Commerce Township, Michigan. In 1991, Hahn earned a Boy Scout merit badge in atomic energy, further fueling his interest in nuclear science.
Building a Reactor with Household Materials
Determined to achieve his goal, Hahn gathered radioactive materials from common household items. He extracted thorium from lantern mantles, radium from antique clocks, tritium from gunsights, and lithium from $1,000 worth of batteries he purchased himself. Using coffee filters, pickle jars, and a lead block as a makeshift reactor, he worked largely in secrecy, reaching out to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission under various aliases to gather information.
Despite lacking proper safety precautions—his only protection was a gas mask—Hahn pressed on. His reckless handling of radioactive materials had serious consequences: he suffered chemical burns, his hair turned green, and he even passed out from exposure at one point. Eventually, his experiment produced a crude neutron source, releasing detectable levels of radiation that spread to nearby homes, potentially endangering 40,000 residents.
The FBI and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intervene
Hahn’s activities remained unnoticed until 1995 when authorities found suspicious materials in his car. This discovery led to an investigation of his backyard lab, prompting intervention from the FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. His makeshift reactor was dismantled, and specialists classified the site as a radiological hazard. Despite the danger he had caused, Hahn managed to achieve the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout, despite initial opposition due to his risky experiment.
A Troubled Life After the Experiment
Following the dismantling of his lab, Hahn’s life took a downward spiral. He struggled with depression, exacerbated by his failed experiment, a broken relationship, and his mother’s suicide. He later joined both the United States Navy and the Marine Corps, but his mental health continued to decline.
In 2007, Hahn was arrested for stealing 16 smoke detectors from his apartment complex. His motive? Extracting the radioactive americium within them. Given his history, authorities feared he was attempting another nuclear experiment. By this point, law enforcement had been monitoring him for radioactivity. Hahn pleaded guilty to attempted larceny and was sentenced to 90 days in jail.
A Tragic End
Hahn’s health continued to deteriorate, likely due to long-term exposure to radiation. He developed sores on his face, yet refused medical treatment. In 2016, at the age of 39, Hahn was found dead from a combination of alcohol, diphenhydramine, and fentanyl.
David Hahn’s story is both fascinating and tragic—a tale of unbridled curiosity, scientific ambition, and the dangers of unchecked experimentation. His case remains a cautionary tale about the risks of pursuing nuclear science without the necessary knowledge, oversight, and safety precautions.