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U.S. Pumps More Oil than Any Country…Ever
In 2024, U.S. crude oil production hit a record 13.4 million barrels per day, driven by advancements in fracking and horizontal drilling, positioning the U.S. as the world's largest oil producer, ahead of Saudi Arabia and Russia. Despite the push for renewable energy...

Deep Fission: Revolutionizing Nuclear Energy with Underground Reactors for a Safer, Cheaper, and Sustainable Future
Deep Fission has secured a $4 million pre-seed investment to develop underground pressurized water reactors (PWRs) that offer safer, more cost-effective, and sustainable nuclear power generation. The company's novel approach involves placing 15 MWe PWRs one mile...

New Nuclear Reactor Technologies are the Forefront of the Energy Revolution
The nuclear energy field has witnessed significant technological developments in recent years, aimed at making the generation of electricity from nuclear power safer, more efficient, and sustainable. New nuclear reactor technologies have emerged, some of which are...

Nuclear Energy is the More Efficient and Reliable Green Energy Solution
Nuclear energy is often overlooked as a viable green energy solution, with many people preferring more popular alternatives such as solar and wind. However, when it comes to providing clean, reliable and efficient energy, nuclear power has a lot to offer. In fact,...

Episode 1 | Demystifying Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Insider in conversation with an expert about demystifying nuclear energy, explaining the science behind nuclear reactions, the safety measures implemented in nuclear power plants, and the potential of nuclear energy as a low-carbon energy source....

Nuclear – A Source of Low-Carbon Energy with Significant Market Potential
Nuclear energy has long been regarded as a promising source of low-carbon energy. However, traditional nuclear reactors have high upfront costs and significant operational challenges, making them less practical for widespread use. Small modular reactors (SMRs) are a...