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New Law Bans Russian Uranium Imports: A Victory for U.S. Energy Independence

by | May 14, 2024 | Nuclear, Politics

Washington, D.C. – In a significant move towards enhancing U.S. energy security, President [President’s Name] signed H.R. 1042, the “Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act,” into law on Monday, May 13, 2024. This landmark legislation, spearheaded by Representatives McMorris Rodgers and Latta, and supported by Senators Barrasso, Coons, Heinrich, Lummis, Manchin, Marshall, and Risch, aims to prohibit the importation of unirradiated, low-enriched uranium produced in the Russian Federation or by Russian entities.

The new law marks a decisive step in reducing U.S. reliance on foreign uranium sources, particularly from Russia, amid ongoing geopolitical tensions and a renewed focus on domestic energy production. “This legislation is crucial for ensuring our nation’s energy independence and security,” said Representative McMorris Rodgers. “By eliminating reliance on Russian uranium, we are bolstering our national security and supporting domestic industries.”

Senator Barrasso echoed these sentiments, stating, “The Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act is a bipartisan effort to safeguard America’s energy future. It reflects our commitment to strengthening domestic energy capabilities and reducing vulnerabilities associated with foreign uranium supplies.”

The President commended the bipartisan effort and leadership displayed by the bill’s sponsors, highlighting the importance of collaboration in addressing national security concerns. “This is a significant step towards securing our energy infrastructure and ensuring that our nuclear industry remains resilient and independent,” the President remarked during the signing ceremony.

In addition to H.R. 1042, the President also signed H.R. 593, renaming the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Hinesville, Georgia, as the John Gibson, Dan James, William Sapp, and Frankie Smiley VA Clinic. This renaming honors the contributions and sacrifices of these distinguished veterans, reflecting the nation’s gratitude and respect.

The passage of H.R. 1042 is expected to have a profound impact on the U.S. nuclear industry, encouraging increased domestic production of low-enriched uranium and fostering innovation in the sector. Industry leaders have praised the legislation, emphasizing its potential to drive growth and ensure long-term energy security.

As the U.S. continues to navigate complex international relationships and energy challenges, the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act stands as a testament to the country’s commitment to strategic autonomy and robust national security measures.

For further updates and insights on this development, stay tuned to Nuclear Insider.


Parker Kleinman

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