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NANO Nuclear Bold Move: Company Looks to INL Fuel Fabrication Facility Site

by | Aug 23, 2023 | News, Nuclear, Regulations

  • NANO Nuclear, the developer of Zeus and Odin microreactors, has submitted a key proposal to the US Department of Energy (DOE) for the establishment of a Nuclear Regulatory Commission-licensed fuel fabrication facility at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).
  • The proposed facility, integrated with INL, aims to produce fuel for NANO Nuclear, INL, and potential customers, eliminating the need for public road transportation of nuclear materials, enhancing safety, and reducing costs.
  • This initiative addresses a national capability gap in advanced nuclear fuel fabrication, exemplifying NANO Nuclear’s commitment to microreactor technology, a strategic partnership with INL, and the advancement of high-assay low enriched uranium production through its subsidiary, HALEU Energy Fuel Inc.

NANO Nuclear, the innovative company behind the development of the Zeus and Odin microreactors, has achieved a significant milestone by submitting a pivotal proposal to the US Department of Energy (DOE). This submission marks the commencement of due diligence for the potential establishment of a NANO Nuclear fuel fabrication facility at the prestigious Idaho National Laboratory (INL) site.

Contained within this submission are thorough responses to inquiries posed by the DOE, as well as a comprehensive proposed memorandum of understanding encompassing vital aspects such as facility site selection. NANO Nuclear is collaborating closely with INL to facilitate this submission, marking a momentous step toward advancing their shared goals.

The envisioned facility is designed for seamless integration with the existing INL facilities. This strategic integration would not only enable the production of fuel for NANO Nuclear but also cater to the laboratory’s operational requirements and potentially serve other clients. A notable advantage of co-locating the fuel manufacturing facility with INL is the elimination of the need to transport nuclear materials over public roads. This is anticipated to result in substantial time and cost savings, thereby enhancing operational efficiency.

NANO Nuclear’s proposal envisions the establishment of a Nuclear Regulatory Commission-licensed facility with the capacity to produce a diverse range of fuel types to meet the needs of various customers. If all goes according to plan, production could commence as early as 2027.

The motivation behind this ambitious endeavor stems from the recognition of a “national capability gap” in the USA related to nuclear fuel fabrication for the forthcoming generation of microreactors and advanced nuclear reactors. NANO Nuclear identified this gap as an opportunity, not only to secure its own fuel supply but also to address a broader national demand, thereby opening doors to new business prospects.

The foundation of this initiative is firmly rooted in the collaborative spirit, as exemplified by the Strategic Partnership Project Agreement signed between NANO Nuclear and INL in April. This partnership serves as a testament to their shared commitment to pushing the boundaries of advanced nuclear technology.

Jay Jiang Yu, the founder, executive chairman, and president of NANO Nuclear, underscores the significance of this milestone. Yu asserts that the Zeus and Odin microreactors represent the forefront of advanced nuclear microreactor technology. Combining this innovation with the capability to produce their own fuel, in collaboration with a preeminent nuclear laboratory, offers a pivotal opportunity for vertical integration. This integration not only propels NANO Nuclear’s reactor business but also unlocks promising avenues for additional business ventures.

The microreactors themselves exemplify ingenious design principles. Zeus boasts a fully solid core, neatly contained within a standard ISO shipping container. Notably, it employs thermal conduction for heat dissipation, eliminating the requirement for traditional coolant systems. In contrast, Odin, described as a low-pressure coolant reactor, employs conventional sintered pellet UO2 fuel with enriched uranium-235 content. Odin’s unique reactivity control system minimizes moving parts, and it relies on natural coolant convection for heat transfer. Operating at higher temperatures compared to conventional water-cooled reactors, Odin boasts enhanced resilience and power conversion efficiency in electricity generation.

Adding another layer to its endeavors, NANO Nuclear established HALEU Energy Fuel Inc in February. This subsidiary’s mission revolves around advancing domestic US production of high-assay low enriched uranium, a crucial component in the realm of advanced nuclear reactors.

In conclusion, NANO Nuclear’s strides in microreactor technology, coupled with its forward-looking fuel supply strategy, signify a remarkable advancement in the field. The collaboration with INL and the pursuit of vertical integration hold immense promise for the company’s future trajectory in advanced nuclear technology.


Sergio Tejada

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