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How Hollywood and Oliver Stone’s ‘Nuclear Now’ Exposes the Hidden Potential of Nuclear Energy

by | Jun 3, 2023 | News, Nuclear, Technology

  • Nuclear meets film in Oliver Stone’s new film “Nuclear Now.”
  • The best solution to reduce carbon emissions by 100% is nuclear.
  • The fears of nuclear power should be overlooked due to its potential impact on the globe.


Oliver Stone, a popular American film director, producer, and screenwriter, recently released a movie about Nuclear energy titled “Nuclear Now.” 

The sources of energy we use are mostly from “burning gas and coal, and the amount is going up, not down.” Stone stresses the need to cut down carbon emissions by “nearly 100%” in order to prevent the world from suffering serious damage. 

The best solution to climate change is nuclear energy. Not only is it cost effective and safe, but it is also reliable and carbon-free. 

From the beginning, we have been trained to fear nuclear power. From the nuclear power plant leaks to the weapons that were constructed using nuclear technologies, many fear nuclear power will be a huge risk and don’t support it. 

The reality is that nuclear power is scary, but safe. On the contrary, coal is not as feared, and causes more deaths “in a couple weeks” than nuclear “ever has.” The only nuclear deaths have been from the “Cheronobyl” accident. We can’t have one accident and the nuclear stigma to hold us back from reaching a 100% carbon-free world.

People need to have more understanding of nuclear energy and kick the stigmas surrounding it to the curb in order for the world to prosper.


Preston Lau
Connect with me: [email protected]

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