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  • The Nuclear Energy Summit, hosted by the IAEA and the Belgian government, marks a significant milestone in global commitment to nuclear energy, with participation from heads of state, ministers, and industry leaders from around 30 countries.
  • The global nuclear industry reaffirms its support for expanding nuclear energy to address climate change, ensure energy security, and promote sustainable economic development, emphasizing the need for consistent government policies and investment.
  • The summit builds upon the unprecedented support for nuclear energy demonstrated at COP28, with stakeholders ready to turn policies into tangible projects and drive the necessary expansion of nuclear energy to meet ambitious targets by 2050.

The Nuclear Energy Summit, hosted collaboratively by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Belgian government, stands as a pivotal moment in the global commitment to nuclear energy. Attended by heads of state, ministers, industry leaders, and stakeholders from approximately 30 countries, this summit underscores an emerging consensus on the indispensable role of nuclear energy in addressing pressing global challenges, such as climate change, energy security, and sustainable economic development.

The industry statement, jointly issued by prominent nuclear associations from Canada, Japan, Korea, the USA, Europe, and the UK, commends the convening of this landmark summit. It emphasizes the unique and multifaceted contributions of nuclear energy to global energy needs. These contributions range from providing clean, reliable, and affordable energy to reducing habitat and biodiversity loss due to its compact footprint. Additionally, nuclear energy is recognized for its capability to ensure long-term clean energy production, create high-quality jobs, and bolster energy security against various challenges.

This summit builds upon the unprecedented support demonstrated for nuclear energy at COP28 in Dubai. At that event, governments and the nuclear industry pledged to triple global nuclear energy capacity by 2050. Furthermore, nuclear energy’s inclusion in the first global stocktake marked its pivotal role in achieving the goals outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Reaffirming their commitment, the global nuclear industry declares its support for the expansion of nuclear energy. This support extends to the operation of existing facilities, the construction of new ones, and the development of essential infrastructure and related technologies. However, the industry also underscores the imperative role of governments in facilitating this expansion. Specifically, governments are called upon to establish consistent and coherent policies, provide clarity to investors, ensure access to climate finance mechanisms, and promote the development of a robust nuclear supply chain.

The industry’s call to action is clear: governments must provide a robust and durable policy framework. Such a framework would de-risk investments in nuclear energy, reduce associated costs, and accelerate deployment. With the assurance of policy certainty, the nuclear industry stands ready to invest in people, capabilities, and infrastructure to achieve the ambitious targets set by governments.

Offering a perspective on the summit, Sama Bilbao y León, Director General of the World Nuclear Association, emphasizes its significance in building upon the commitments made at COP28. She highlights the industry’s readiness to meet the challenge head-on and transform policies into tangible projects that will drive the necessary expansion of nuclear energy.

In conclusion, the Nuclear Energy Summit serves as a testament to the renewed and strengthened commitment to nuclear energy. As a vital tool for addressing global challenges, the nuclear energy sector, with the support of governments, industry leaders, and stakeholders, aims to realize its full potential. Together, they envision a sustainable and prosperous future, leveraging the unparalleled benefits of nuclear energy for the benefit of all.

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