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Assessing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Video Game Industry

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Nuclear, Story, Technology

  • The video game industry faces a significant debate about AI’s impact on creativity, job security, and human contribution, with 10,500 layoffs in 2023 raising concerns.
  • AI’s mandatory adoption in companies like Blizzard Entertainment led to perceptions of sidelining human talent, prompting a 57% support rate for unionization among developers.
  • Actors’ strikes and unionization efforts highlight the broader struggle for fair labor practices and the ethical need to balance AI-driven innovation with robust worker protections.


The video game industry has seen unprecedented growth over the past few decades, with each era bringing its own wave of innovation and excitement. However, as we move deeper into the 2020s, there are growing concerns that the sector may be losing its creative edge due to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). This shift has sparked a significant debate within the industry, particularly concerning job security and the role of human creativity.

In 2023, a notable warning came from Michael Vance, former Chief Technology Officer at Activision. Vance’s email to employees emphasized AI’s growing prominence within the company, highlighting its potential to transform operations much like previous technological advancements. While Activision and similar companies saw AI as a lucrative opportunity, many employees feared for their job security. The industry’s anxiety about AI has been underscored by the alarming figure of 10,500 video game industry layoffs in 2023 alone, with predictions suggesting that these numbers could rise as AI technology continues to evolve.

AI’s influence has already been felt in significant ways. For instance, Blizzard Entertainment, a subsidiary of Activision, saw 1,900 layoffs at the start of the year, impacting various teams, including 2D artists and environmental artists. These layoffs, coupled with the mandatory adoption of AI tools by remaining concept artists, have led to perceptions that AI is being used to sideline human talent rather than enhance it.

The situation has spurred a broader conversation about worker protection in the face of technological disruption. In response to the increasing use of AI, there is a rising call for unionization within the gaming industry. A survey conducted at the Game Developers Conference revealed that 57% of developers support the formation of a union, reflecting growing concerns about job security and fair treatment.

This sentiment has been echoed by actors in the industry, who recently went on strike with SAG-AFTRA after lengthy negotiations. The actors’ strike underscores the role of AI in potentially undermining the value of human contributions, such as voice work and stunts, by making it easier to replicate these elements without fair compensation. SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher has emphasized that the fight is about preventing companies from exploiting AI at the expense of its members, highlighting a broader struggle for fair labor practices across creative fields.

Despite AI’s potential to drive innovation, the technology has also raised ethical questions and highlighted the need for robust worker protections. As gaming companies continue to explore AI’s capabilities, the industry must address these concerns by ensuring that technological advancements do not come at the cost of human creativity and job security.

In summary, while AI presents exciting opportunities for the gaming industry, it also brings significant challenges. The industry must navigate these changes carefully, balancing innovation with the need to protect and value its human workforce. The ongoing push for unionization and worker advocacy will play a crucial role in shaping a future where both technology and human talent can thrive together.


Zachary Romelus

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