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A.I. Chronicles: Microsoft wants to outlaw A.I. abuse and scams

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Politics, Regulations, Story, Technology

  • AI’s rapid advancement has led to significant societal impacts, prompting calls for stricter regulation to address misuse, especially affecting vulnerable populations like the elderly and children.
  • In response, the U.S. has seen a surge in legislative activity with around 300 bills introduced this year, and 28 states enacting laws focusing on discrimination, transparency, data privacy, oversight, and AI’s use in elections and education.
  • Microsoft President Todd Smith emphasizes the need for a balanced approach, advocating for both legislative action and tech industry responsibility to mitigate risks while fostering innovation.


As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, its impact on society is becoming increasingly evident. While many celebrate AI for its potential to drive progress and efficiency, others are sounding alarms about its misuse and the urgent need for regulation.

Todd Smith, President of Microsoft, is among those advocating for stricter oversight. Smith emphasizes that while AI’s role in influencing elections has garnered significant attention, its broader impact on individuals—especially vulnerable populations like the elderly and children—deserves equal scrutiny. AI’s misuse in areas such as deepfakes and fraud poses real threats, and Smith urges lawmakers to adopt a global perspective on these issues.

In response to these concerns, there has been a notable surge in legislative activity across the United States. This year alone, approximately 300 bills related to AI regulation have been introduced. Currently, 28 states have enacted laws addressing various aspects of AI, including protection against discrimination, transparency, data privacy, oversight, and the use of AI in elections and educational settings.

States such as Iowa, South Dakota, Alabama, Florida, California, Utah, Illinois, and Colorado have taken proactive steps to manage AI’s impact. These laws aim to ensure fairness, inform the public about AI’s use in businesses, and safeguard against misuse, including the creation of explicit content involving minors.

Smith believes that this is a pivotal moment in history. The rapid and widespread accessibility of AI has made media manipulation easier than ever, presenting significant challenges. He argues that Congress must step up to address these challenges and that the tech industry must also play a critical role in mitigating risks.

The concern is that regulation might either be too slow or fail to materialize, potentially allowing AI’s negative consequences to escalate. The goal is to strike a balance—implementing safeguards without stifling innovation. As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial for both lawmakers and the tech industry to work together to address these pressing issues and ensure that AI serves society positively and ethically.


Zachary Romelus

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