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  • Nuclear energy is crucial for American energy independence, reducing carbon emissions, and increasing efficiency with SMR technology.
  • The Russian uranium ban pushes America to develop a domestic nuclear fuel supply, boosting the economy and creating jobs.
  • The ADVANCE Act and SMRs promote affordable and efficient nuclear energy, demonstrating America’s commitment to energy security and sustainability


As we celebrate our independence day, know that nuclear energy is paving the path towards American Energy Independence. Happy 4th of July.

Nuclear energy has played a significant role in American energy independence. From the creation of domestic energy supplies to the reduction of carbon emissions, nuclear energy is the drive for it all. The emergence of SMR technology heavily influences the path to American energy independence through displaying the growth in affordability and efficiency that nuclear energy can provide. Recognizing the commitment and effort towards utilizing nuclear energy is essential to the path towards energy security. Innovation and ambition towards nuclear energy will definitely bring America closer to American energy independence.

With growing energy demands, it is important that America obtains energy fuel security. America previously had to rely on several countries to provide nuclear fuel for their own reactors, however, due to the Russian uranium ban, America is pushed to create their own domestic nuclear fuel supply. The reliance on other countries has led America’s developments in nuclear energy to slow down and has let other countries get ahead. Although this ban may seem detrimental to America’s nuclear development, it is actually the opposite. In efforts to create a domestic market, America can boost their economy through the creation of thousands of jobs surrounding nuclear energy. As a means to strengthen American energy independence, it is pivotal to learn and understand the importance of a domestic fuel market as it allows for the growth of nuclear developments but the economy as well.

The path towards American energy independence is obtainable as SMR technology continues to develop and prove to be a reliable and efficient nuclear energy source. SMRs are small modular reactors with about one-third of the generating capacity of a traditional nuclear power reactor. These reactors are crucial to paving the path towards American energy independence as they are cost efficient and have great flexibility for site selection. With the current passing of the ADVANCE Act by the senate, companies specializing in SMR technology and the domestic nuclear technology industry in general, will thrive from reduced barriers to innovate and accelerate the deployment of advanced nuclear reactors. The ADVANCE Act and SMRs contribute to the path towards American energy independence through providing an affordable and efficient source of nuclear energy as well displaying America’s effort and commitment towards a secure and sustainable energy future.

The development of SMR technology and the establishment of a domestic nuclear fuel market is crucial in paving the path towards American energy independence. This not only boosts the economy and creates jobs but also showcases America’s commitment to a secure and sustainable energy future.

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