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Wyoming Energy Authority and BWX Technologies Partner to Assess Microreactor Deployment Feasibility

by | Sep 19, 2023 | Environment, News, Nuclear, Technology

In a major development for Wyoming’s energy landscape, the Wyoming Energy Authority (WEA) and BWX Technologies have joined forces to explore the potential deployment of microreactors within the state. The initiative was initially announced on September 12th by BWXT.

Though the exact figures of the agreement were not made public, Gov. Mark Gordon approved a WEA recommended award of “$9,999,802 of the $20,589,751 required to execute its project” earlier this month.

“BWXT’s microreactor project presents the possibility of creating additional resources for industrial end users in Wyoming, thereby helping further a full value chain nuclear industry in Wyoming, advancing and diversifying our economy,” Rob Creager, WEA Executive Director said.

The collaborative effort will unfold in two distinct phases over a span of two years. The first phase will entail close cooperation between BWX Technologies and Wyoming’s industries to determine the precise requirements for nuclear applications, with a specific focus on meeting the base heat and power needs of trona mining operations across the state. The initial phase will serve as the foundation for phase two, which will be geared towards the refinement and enhancement of the Advanced Nuclear Reactor (BANR) design to meet the diverse demands of end-users.

BANR was previously selected by the Department of Energy for a cost-shared partnership under the Department’s Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP).

As the project progresses, both the State and BWXT expect to gleam valuable insights into the feasibility of microreactor deployment and its potential to bolster Wyoming’s energy infrastructure, further enhancing the state’s position in the realm of nuclear energy.


Sergio Tejada

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