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Controversial Decision: Japan Releases Fukushima Nuclear Water Into the Sea!

by | Jun 9, 2023 | Environment, News, Nuclear

  • Japan has begun releasing contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea through an underwater tunnel.
  • The plan to release the water has caused controversy and was carried out secretly due to protests from neighboring countries, including China and Pacific Island communities in affected areas.
  • Construction work is underway to develop a reservoir for storing the contaminated water before its release, and once completed, the amount of water released will be equivalent to filling approximately 500 Olympic-sized pools.

This week, Japan started releasing Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Japan released water into an underwater tunnel that was specifically designed to release this water into the sea. 

There has been a lot of commotion regarding the plan to release water into the sea. This process was done secretly due to the protests from neighboring countries that include China and certain Pacific Island communities that are in the most affected areas.

There is still development of the process of releasing this contaminated water into the sea. According to TEPCO, all the construction work necessary will be done by the end of this month. The construction is primarily focusing on the development of a reservoir that will store the contaminated water before its release into the sea.

Once the construction finishes, the release of the water will be enough to fill around 500 Olympic sized pools.


Preston Lau
Connect with me: [email protected]

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