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Game-Changer!!! China Strikes Historic Uranium Deal with Kazakhstan, Threatens Russia’s Supremacy

by | Jun 8, 2023 | News, Nuclear, Politics

  • Kazakhstan is the world’s largest uranium producer and exporter.
  • China is a growing customer for Kazakhstan’s uranium.
  • The increased demand for uranium could lead to higher prices and instability in the central Asia region.

The biggest uranium producer and exporter in the world is Kazakhstan. It mines and exports more than 40% of the world’s supply. 

Kazakhstan has primarily been the supplier for Russia and the Soviet Union. Other countries have growing interest in Kazakhstan’s uranium supply. In May of 2023, Kazakhstan agreed to sell more than 30 tons of atomic power station fuel to China over the next few decades. The relationship between Kazakhstan and China could weaken Russia’s influence in the region of Kazakhstan. 


Kazakhstan decided to increase its production of uranium by more than 50% in order to meet the production standard of this deal.

The increased interest in uranium can lead to increases in the price of the commodity. This can have a major impact on the global nuclear power industry, and markets. The increased importance of Central Asia’s resources could lead to instability in the region and further issues. 

We have to keep a close look at the upcoming effects this deal with China will have on uranium and the nuclear energy industry as a whole.


Preston Lau
Connect with me: [email protected]

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