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Oliver Stone Exposes Media Manipulation on The Joe Rogan Experience

by | Jun 1, 2023 | News, Nuclear, Technology

  • The Fukushima incident was less severe than perceived, and public fears about nuclear radiation are irrational.
  • Radiation from the leak was low-level and not harmful enough to negatively impact people.
  • Public understanding of nuclear energy is miseducated; other countries have embraced nuclear energy infrastructure with government support, while the US lags behind due to minimal public support.


On a recent podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience” by Joe Rogan, Oliver Stone speaks on Nuclear Energy. Describing events such as Fukushima and how popular media and entertainment can shift the views of the public.

Stone speaks about how Fukushima, in a way, was more dramatic than it had to be. The fears of the public today about the dangers of nuclear radiation are somewhat irrational according to Oliver Stone. Fukushima, a Nuclear Reactor incident that caused a leak in one of the reactors, was not as bad as the public may assume.

Joe Rogan emphasizes the fact that radiation is a net negative term and only has a negative connotation to it. Stone explains that the radiation emitted from the leak wasn’t harmful enough to have a negative impact on the people. He describes the radiation as “low level radiation.” Furthermore, he describes how there is radiation everywhere in the world and that we cannot avoid it. What is more important, however, is the amount of radiation humans are exposed to.

Both of the men agree that “we are miseducated” when it comes to the subject of nuclear energy. The term “nuclear” can produce fear in the public. The way it’s depicted in movies and cartoons is inaccurate to its true impact. 

Other countries such as China and Russia are ahead of the United States in that they built the infrastructure with government support. It differs greatly from the US, where the population only supports it minimally. We need to embrace change and open our minds to a future with nuclear energy. 


Preston Lau
Connect with me: [email protected]

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